
My Senses Award Requirements

My Senses Award Requirements



Download the requirements for My Senses award by clicking on the Download link above.

Level: Multi Level
Category: Nature
Section: My Self

My Senses Requirements

1. How many senses do you have, what are they and where are they located?

2. Why did God give us these senses?

3. Read a story in the Bible that talks about one of the senses and role play that story.

4. Discuss how it would feel to lose one of your senses?

5. How are each of our senses important to our safety?

6. Do an experiment for each of the five senses.

7. Make a “My Five Senses Book” or other craft depicting the five senses.


1. There are five senses. Have children point to their senses as you talk about them.

  1. Hearing - ears
  2. Smell - nose
  3. Taste – mouth
  4. Sight – eyes
  5. Touch – skin
  6. To enjoy life.

3. Examples: Hearing-I Samuel 1-3 Samuel & Eli, Sight-Mark 10 Bartimaeus, Touch – Genesis 3 Adam & Eve, Taste-Luke 14 Great Feast, Smell-Genesis 25 Jacob & Esau

4. Have a discussion and watch a video, invite someone who has lost one of their senses to talk to the kids.

5. Our sense of hearing allows us to hear alarms and danger sounds, smell helps us to detect smoke, with touch we can feel something hot, with sight you can see danger around us.

6. Search the internet for ideas, such as google, Pinterest, Learning Tree, etc.

7. Search the internet for ideas, such as google, Pinterest, Learning Tree, etc.

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