Download the requirements for the praise and worship honor by clicking on the download link above.
Praise & Worship
1. Discuss the following as they relate to Christian corporate praise and worship.
2. As a group, briefly describe corporate praise and worship from your perspective. In your assessment, address the following soul searching questions:
3. Discuss the biblical context of four of the following texts as they relate to corporate praise and worship:
4. Interview someone who leads in praise and worship on a regular basis, using the following questions and ask:
5. Briefly explain some of the benefits of developing a praise and worship routine in your personal life.
6. Discuss various forms of praise and worship styles you have observed. In your discussions, outline what you found to be acceptable versus what you felt was not acceptable, along with your reasons in support of your choices.
7. Within your church or family worship, list what instruments play a significant role in your praise and worship experience.
8. Discuss how each of the following non-musical methods can be used as a part of a corporate praise and worship experience (in addition to the worship music):
9. Develop a creative corporate praise and worship experience, addressing the following questions:
10. Develop a creative mini-praise and worship experience that can minister to an individual or to a group experiencing situations such as the following:
11. With a group, plan and present a creative praise and worship experience to someone who is not able to attend services.
12. After completing the creative praise and worship experience, meet with your planning group to analyze your presentation. Discuss the following:
Skill Level 2
New in 2020
Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage Ministries
North American Division
2020 Update