Download the requirement for the sharks honor by clicking the download link above.
1. On what day of Creation Week were sharks created?
2. What is the study of sharks called?
3. Identify from pictures or personal observation 10 species of sharks.
4. Draw a shark and identify the following shark parts:
5. Explain the shark sensory system: Smell, Sight, Taste, Hearing, Touch, Electroreception.
6. Name the largest member of the shark family and its maximum adult size.
7. Name the most aggressive member of the shark family.
8. Name the predators of the Great White Shark.
9. Explain the shark breeding habits.
10. How do sharks give birth?
11. Discuss with a group the following:
12. Do two of the following activities:
Skill Level 1
New in 2014
North American Division
2014 update