The morning program is the most intensive learning time of the day, utilizing lots of fun activities to accomplish the theme for the day. The afternoon program involves kids in activities that provide a brief exposure to the theme of the day with a recreational/social element. The evening is devoted to games, biblically based videos and stories which reinforce the concepts learned throughout the day.
This program may be used with any length or style of junior youth program, including campmeeting, Vacation Bible School, and other events. This program guide is based on the traditional eight-day campmeeting program. However, it also gives suggestions as to how to adapt the program to your specific needs.
You will find lots of games, activities, and teaching ideas in these pages. But, of course, these are only a beginning. As you take the concepts outlined here and, with prayer and enthusiasm, adapt them to fit the needs and interests of your group, you will create a campmeeting program which will make a real difference in the lives of the juniors and those around them.
91 pages. Copyright 1997.