
Items by:

Lord Make Me Your Missionary

Lord Make Me Your Missionary

Jesus’ heart beat with a passion for the lost. He was constantly reaching out to the irreligious and unspiritual people of the world. He desires to ignite a fire within us and give us a passion for the lost. This series focuses on the stories of the Bible which picture Jesus as a passionate... [Show more]

  • Prix:$19.95
Single Creek - Home Edition DVD

Single Creek - Home Edition DVD

According to US Census data, approximately 100 million single adults now live in the United States, representing 45% all U.S. households. 40% of all births now come from unmarried parents. And while the numbers of single adults climb each year, the Christian church’s sermons and programs often lack... [Show more]

  • Prix:$19.95
Tips for Involving Youth in Community Service

Tips for Involving Youth in Community Service

Tips for Involving Youth in Community Service is a unique collection of wisdom collected from dozens of youth leaders, community service leaders, and young people sharing what they’ve caught in regard to serving others. Some wisdom is broad and general, such as, “Get to know the youth in your... [Show more]

  • Prix:$2.95
Men's Ministries Record Card

Men's Ministries Record Card

Use this handy record card to chart your progress in the curriculum process.

  • Prix:Gratuit
ASAM Record Card

ASAM Record Card

Use this handy record card to chart your progress in the curriculum process.

  • Prix:Gratuit
Adventist Single Adult Ministries: A Training Program for Local Churches

Adventist Single Adult Ministries: A Training Program for Local Churches

While the percentage of single adults increases throughout the North American Division, most churches are still focused on marriage and families. As a result, they miss many opportunities to reach out to single adults, as well as to benefit from the abilities and resources single adults have to... [Show more]

  • Prix:$19.95
AY Class Instructor Manual CD

AY Class Instructor Manual CD

The AY Instructor’s Manual on CD is a must for leaders, teachers and counselors involved in organizing and conducting Adventist Youth/Pathfinder classes. It outlines all requirements for the six basic courses—Friend, Companion, Explorer, Ranger, Voyager and Guide, and gives detailed descriptions of... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
TAG Cards (Spanish)

TAG Cards (Spanish)

An important part of being a disciple is spending time in study, prayer, and sharing what Jesus means to you. Footprints for Kids introduces TAG time (Time Alone with God) starting with lesson five. Every week each child will receive a TAG card. This card reviews the focus for the week, gives key... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Record Chart Set of 6 - Investiture Achievement

Record Chart Set of 6 - Investiture Achievement

This set includes six Pathfinder Investiture Achievement charts--one for each level. 11" x 17". Copyright 2011.

  • Prix:$4.95
Stewardship for a Lifetime - Earth Stewards

Stewardship for a Lifetime - Earth Stewards

Earth Stewards is a campmeeting program designed to help 5th and 6th graders recognize and involve themselves in the joy of stewardship. This fun and active program will lead juniors to a new understanding of Jesus’ loves for them, and a commitment to respond to His love by caring for the gifts He... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.00
Stewardship for a Lifetime - Partners with Jesus

Stewardship for a Lifetime - Partners with Jesus

Partners with Jesus is a series of programs designed to help primary children discover the special benefits of stewardship. Each program involves 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders in discovering practical and exciting ways to include Jesus in their daily lives. As Partners with Jesus, they will learn to... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.00
Stewardship for a Lifetime - Sense-ational Stewards

Stewardship for a Lifetime - Sense-ational Stewards

Sense-ational Stewards is a campmeeting program designed for children ages 4-6. This program presents the happy living found through the unique benefits of being a steward for Jesus. The goal of this program is to give kindergarten children an introduction and a foundation in stewardship... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.00
Stewardship for a Lifetime - God's Special Gift

Stewardship for a Lifetime - God's Special Gift

God’s Special Gift—Me! helps beginner-age children investigate the wonders of their own bodies, with an emphasis on their five senses. Participants will smell, hear, taste, touch, and see as they experiment with observing, listening, and beginning to understand how the body was designed to be used.... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.00
Reach for the Stars - Pilot Your Own Craft

Reach for the Stars - Pilot Your Own Craft

Pilot Your Own Craft is a campmeeting program designed to help 5th and 6th graders recognize and involve themselves in the joys of being a leader for God. This fun and active program will lead juniors to a new understanding of Jesus' love for them, and a commitment to respond to His love by caring... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.00
Reach for the Stars - Who's the Greatest

Reach for the Stars - Who's the Greatest

Remember the old rhyme, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” As a child, did you discover the answer? As an adult, are you satisfied with what you found? Welcome to Who’s the Greatest, a program designed to help 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders discover the ultimate answer to an... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.00
Reach for the Stars - Follow the Leader

Reach for the Stars - Follow the Leader

Follow the Leader is an activity-based program for kindergarten, primarily designed for use with a six-day, three programs per day format such as campmeeting. Each program is approximately 90 minutes in length. Suggestions are included for adapting the material to programs of other lengths. The... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.00

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States