
Items by:

Master Guides Leading the Way T-shirt

Master Guides Leading the Way T-shirt

This colorful shirt says: Leading the Way Master Guide Convention Estes Park, Colorado 100 Years

Bauge de foulard | Explorateurs de la Division Nord-Américaine

Bauge de foulard | Explorateurs de la Division Nord-Américaine

Explorateurs de la Division Nord-américaine

  • Prix:$4.00
3 John Relational Bible Studies - PDF Download

3 John Relational Bible Studies - PDF Download

Relational Bible Studies encourage participants to imagine participating in Bible stories while they are happening. This helps us be able to apply Bible passages to our lives today. These Bible studies were designed for use in a small group setting. Start with the opening question. It is a personal... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
2 John Relational Bible Studies - PDF Download

2 John Relational Bible Studies - PDF Download

Relational Bible Studies encourage participants to imagine participating in Bible stories while they are happening. This helps us be able to apply Bible passages to our lives today. These Bible studies were designed for use in a small group setting. Start with the opening question. It is a personal... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
2 Peter Relational Bible Studies - PDF Download

2 Peter Relational Bible Studies - PDF Download

Relational Bible Studies encourage participants to imagine participating in Bible stories while they are happening. This helps us be able to apply Bible passages to our lives today. These Bible studies were designed for use in a small group setting. Start with the opening question. It is a personal... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
1 Peter Relational Bible Studies - PDF Download

1 Peter Relational Bible Studies - PDF Download

Relational Bible Studies encourage participants to imagine participating in Bible stories while they are happening. This helps us be able to apply Bible passages to our lives today. These Bible studies were designed for use in a small group setting. Start with the opening question. It is a personal... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
Philemon Relational Bible Studies - PDF Download

Philemon Relational Bible Studies - PDF Download

Relational Bible Studies encourage participants to imagine participating in Bible stories while they are happening. This helps us be able to apply Bible passages to our lives today. These Bible studies were designed for use in a small group setting. Start with the opening question. It is a personal... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
1 Corinthians Relational Bible Studies - PDF Download

1 Corinthians Relational Bible Studies - PDF Download

Relational Bible Studies encourage participants to imagine participating in Bible stories while they are happening. This helps us be able to apply Bible passages to our lives today. These Bible studies were designed for use in a small group setting. Start with the opening question. It is a personal... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
71.5 The CALLED Issue (ACF)

71.5 The CALLED Issue (ACF)

In this issue, 71.5 teamed up with the Young Adult Department of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. Content includes YA mission spotlights, testimonies, and resources that will help your church attract and retain young adult membership. You’ll find articles on: A Letter... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
ACF Brochure

ACF Brochure

Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF) is a movement of, by, and for students joining the mission of God on campus. Spread the word about ACF with this brochure. It covers 7 steps to starting an ACF chapter, reasons to join ACF, and more.

  • Prix:Gratuit
EBV 2023 | T-Shirt

EBV 2023 | T-Shirt

These blue t-shirts are perfect for the staff at your VBS program.

L’histoire des Explorateurs

L’histoire des Explorateurs

  L’histoire des Explorateurs donne un aperçu de l’histoire du club des Explorateurs, de ses débuts au ministère mondial qu’il est aujourd’hui. On y trouve les chapitres suivants : En mission pour Dieu (Avant 1920) Continuer à marcher au... [Show more]

  • Prix:$8.95
Guide du Directeur du Club des Aventuriers

Guide du Directeur du Club des Aventuriers

Bienvenue dans le monde excitant du leadership du Club des Aventurier ! Chaque année, des bénévoles comme vous aident des milliers d’enfants de la maternelle à la quatrième année à vivre l’amour de Jésus tout en explorant leur monde... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
What We Believe Activity Book

What We Believe Activity Book

Take your family worship to the next level! This Bible-study activity book for tweens and teens on the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s 28 fundamental beliefs beautifully complements What We Believe for Guide Readers, which features 28 true stories that bring the fundamental beliefs to life. The... [Show more]

  • Prix:$8.95
enditnow « Mise en route » Poster | en anglais et espagnol

enditnow « Mise en route » Poster | en anglais et espagnol

This reversible poster features English on one side and Spanish on the other side.

  • Prix:Gratuit
Christ on Campus - Participan's Guid

Christ on Campus - Participan's Guid

Have you ever wished that things were different?  That even if the rich got richer the poor didn’t get poorer? What if there was a real Prince and the Pauper story where those on top learned what life was like for those on the bottom and the poor were able to experience the good... [Show more]

  • Prix:$3.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States