
Items by:

Christ's Way of Healing

Christ's Way of Healing

In this book we will focus on the healing miracles of Christ, their immediate and broader significance and application to our own lives.Healing was of vital importance to Christ and His ministry, hence He invested more time in that than preaching. His healing miracles were real and genuine, in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Buried Treasurer Evangelism Program

Buried Treasurer Evangelism Program

Evangelism for children is an extremely important aspect of evangelism as a whole and a vital part of the ministry of the church. Buried Treasure provides you with an effective, Christ-centered way of not only sharing Jesus with children but also encouraging them to make decisions for Jesus... [Show more]

  • Prix:$299.99
When Kindness Comes

When Kindness Comes

Much of the misery and heartache that afflicts humanity can be traced back to our nearly universal misunderstanding of the value that Heaven places on kindness. Jesus said it is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets (Matthew 7:12). The operative word in Scripture and life is... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
When Religion Fails Try Love

When Religion Fails Try Love

Have you noticed in the last few years that we humans have lost our ability to dialogue with each other in ways that are civil, compassionate and kind? No one wants to be wrong, so in every discussion we try to have the last word. This is especially true with politics and religion! We want to be... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
Church Love

Church Love

  Copyright 2020. 35 pages.

  • Prix:Gratuit
God Said It: Old Test Heroes #1 |Livret #4, espangol

God Said It: Old Test Heroes #1 |Livret #4, espangol

This book tells powerful stories of how Abraham and Isaac believed in God’s plan, the faith of Caleb and Joshua, how God’s people kept their promise to Rahab, and the hard lessons Samson learned about obeying God.  Most important, the book teaches important lessons about trusting... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.99
God Said It: The Life of Moses | Livret #3, espangol

God Said It: The Life of Moses | Livret #3, espangol

This book tells the powerful story of Moses—the dramatic rescue from the Nile, the fight with the Egyptian, the burning bush, the plagues, parting the red sea, and the 10 Commandments.  Most important, the book teaches important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.99
Grands-Parents ! Donnons à nos petits-enfants un GRAND idée de Dieu ! | Livre

Grands-Parents ! Donnons à nos petits-enfants un GRAND idée de Dieu ! | Livre

L’idéal de Dieu pour les grands-parents a été terni par un monde plein de péché. Son plan a été chassé du tableau, et la société a brouillé la clarté du rôle que les grands-parents ont été... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95
All The Way Up -- Youth Week of Pray

All The Way Up -- Youth Week of Pray

This download includes sermons and PowerPoint slide backgrounds for “All the Way Up,” the March 13-22 Week of Prayer for Youth Ministries. The theme verse is Colossians 3:2; “Let heaven fill your thoughts; don’t spend your time worrying about things down... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
Mila and Stephen find Hope

Mila and Stephen find Hope

When Mila shares that she is scared about Covid-19, her friend Stephen shares a story about one time when he was scared and what his dad told him. Both Mila and Stephen are reminded that no matter what you are aftaid of you can know for sure there are angels watching over you. Paperback 20... [Show more]

  • Prix:$2.99
A l’aide ! Je suis un parent 13 à 18 ans | Livre

A l’aide ! Je suis un parent 13 à 18 ans | Livre

  A l’aide ! Je suis un parent : être un parent chrétien dans le monde d’aujourd’hui inspirera et encouragera les parents, grands-parents, et personnes prenant soin des enfants, au cours de leur chemin pour faire de ces derniers des disciples. Ce livre se penche... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95
À l’aide ! Je suis un parent 8 à 12 ans | Livre

À l’aide ! Je suis un parent 8 à 12 ans | Livre

Et si quelqu’un vous donnait un bloc de marbre de la plus belle qualité, avec pour tâche de créer un chef-d’oeuvre qui serait exposé pour être vu par le monde entier ? L’éducation des enfants est similaire, mais au lieu d’un bloc de... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95
Papa Solo | Livre

Papa Solo | Livre

Beaucoup de circonstances peuvent t’avoir conduit à devenir un papa solo. Les obstacles sur ton chemin peuvent sembler implacables, inévitables et insurmontables. Et il y a de la stigmatisation à l’encontre des pères célibataires. Dans « Papa solo... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95
Maman solo | Livre

Maman solo | Livre

Tu es peut-être une maman solo par choix, en raison d’une grossesse imprévue, suite à un divorce, à cause de la mort du père de ton enfant, d’un père absent, d’un abandon, ou d’une multitude d’autres possibilités. Les... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95
Gilet de sécurité | Services adventistes à la société

Gilet de sécurité | Services adventistes à la société

Montrez que vous faites partie de l'équipe ACS avec ce gilet bleu.

  • Prix:$15.95
The Beliefs and Practices of Adventi

The Beliefs and Practices of Adventi

Do you want to know more about Adventist adolescents? So do we! It is so exciting to share the recent data from the 2017-18 Global Church Member Survey (GCMS) with you. This study encompassed 63,756 participants from 13 divisions; 7,490 of them (12% of the sample) were young people up to 20 years of... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.95

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