
Items by:

ChristWise Primary Student Guide

ChristWise Primary Student Guide

For years I would pray for each child in my sphere of influence to make a decision to follow Jesus. Sure enough, one by one and year after year kids would declare, “I’m ready to be a disciple” or “I want to follow Christ.” What then? What do we do with these young ones... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.99
The Role of the Local Elder

The Role of the Local Elder

The Adventist elder is in a place of remarkable opportunity. The truth is, leadership from within is one of the most powerful forms of leadership, and the Adventist church is tremendously blessed by its local elders. The Role of the Local Elder is about the local elder. It is about the work... [Show more]

  • Prix:$19.99
Recovery Steps to Christ

Recovery Steps to Christ

Freedom of choice is one of the most precious gifts God has entrusted to humans. We often make poor choices, which may lead to destructive habits that enslave us, damage our health and even ruin our lives. This powerful book describes the journey to hope, healing and wholeness despite our... [Show more]

  • Prix:$2.99
ADR Management Team Polo Shirt

ADR Management Team Polo Shirt

This shirt will help identify ACSDR management team members. 



Adjustable baseball style cap with Disaster Response logo.

  • Prix:$9.95
ADR Sweat Shirt - Gold

ADR Sweat Shirt - Gold

This gold sweatshirt with the ACS logo identifies ACSDR personnel.

ADR Windbreaker - Gold

ADR Windbreaker - Gold

This windbreaker is ideal for ACSDR volunteers in the field.

ADR Smock Burgundy

ADR Smock Burgundy

Use this smock when assisting with ACSDR in the field. 

Bully Prevention II

Bully Prevention II

This patch is given to Pathfinders on completion of the requirements for the Bully Prevention II Honor. 

Bully Prevention I

Bully Prevention I

This patch is given to Pathfinders on completion of the requirements for the Bully Prevention I Honor. 

The Skinny on Volunteers

The Skinny on Volunteers

 A youth ministry needs a solid group of volunteers to be trully effective. We youth workers all know this–but how dp we make it happen? Let's be honest: Many of us don't do a great job of mobilizing volunteers and equipping them for ministry. Our plate is already full, and building a... [Show more]

  • Prix:$6.99
Team Up!

Team Up!

Parents and families are busier than ever–and so are you–but partnering with parents is more important than ever.  So how do you do that? Author Phil Bell has taken his many years of experience and created a playbook to help you come alongside parents. This isn't a plan to make your... [Show more]

  • Prix:$19.99
The Volunteer's Back Pocket Guide

The Volunteer's Back Pocket Guide

Bravely, you agreed to be a chaperone on the trip. Boldly, you sacrificed this weekend for a student retreat. Blindly, you said "yes" before asking for all the details.  How will you survive? Youth events and retreats don't have to be painful, traumatic, stressful experiences. The Volunteer's... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.99
AYMT Adventurer Certification Pins

AYMT Adventurer Certification Pins

These pins are awarded upon completion of the AYMT levels.

Guide for Local Stewshp Ldrs French

Guide for Local Stewshp Ldrs French

Whether you are a stewardship leader, church elder or another church leader, this book is written for those who want to help church members realize the importance of stewardship. A Guide for Local Church Stewardship Leaders is a how-to book written by practiced veterans of stewardship ministry.... [Show more]

  • Prix:$8.95
Family Seasons Adult SS Guide

Family Seasons Adult SS Guide

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. This quarterly is on the seasons of family life.

  • Prix:$3.99

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  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States