
PF Director Cert - Presenter Gd

PF Director Cert - Presenter Gd

Produit #009807

  • Prix:$4.95 (Remises)
Statut: En stock
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The Pathfinder Club Director Workshop Resources for Presenters includes helps for each of the eight workshops required for Pathfinder Club Director Certification.

Presenters responsible for these workshops should make sure that, in addition to communicating the information, they take time to make the workshop practical and give participants time to think about how they are going to apply this in their club.

These workshops include:

  • Introduction to Leadership Skills – LEAD 001
  • The Conference and Your Local Church Board – LEAD 122
  • Introduction to Recruiting, Screening and Training Staff – LEAD 150
  • Survey of Camping and Campout Planning – WILD 101
  • Teaching Investiture Achievement – EDUC 200
  • Club Finances—FINA 100
  • Introduction to Discipline – PYSO 120
  • Working and Communicating with Parents – PYSO 207

Each of the workshops include a description of the content, the audience or participants that you can anticipate will attend, resource material, what your participants will learn, basic content for the workshop and suggested activities.

The Pathfinder Club Director Certification is part of the Adventist Youth Ministries Training (AYMT) which includes certifications for Adventurer Club Ministries, Pathfinder Club Ministries, Master Guides and Youth Ministries.

Advent Source recommande

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States