
Delightful Sabbath Award Requirements

Delightful Sabbath Award Requirements



Download the requirements for the Delightful Sabbath Award by clicking on the download link above.

Level: Multi Level
Category: Spiritual
Section: My God

Delightful Sabbath

1. Read Exodus 20:8-11, Isaiah 58:13-14, and Isaiah 66:22-23 and answer the following:

  1. What day of the week is Sabbath?
  2. What is the first word of the fourth Commandment?
  3. Whom does the fourth Commandment say created everything?
  4. Will the Sabbath ever cease to exist? Explain.
  5. Based on what you read, why should we look forward to the Sabbath?

2. Decorate a Sabbath box and place items inside that will help make your Sabbaths more enjoyable. Some examples are:

  1. Bible stories books
  2. List of Sabbath activities
  3. Clay or play dough to illustrate Bible stories
  4. Christian activity books
  5. Your ideas

3. Complete two or more of the following projects that can be added to your Sabbath box:

  1. Start a mini scrapbook or photo album to save special Sabbath pictures and memories in
  2. Decorate a small votive candle holder with beads, gems, or other embellishments to be used on Friday night to welcome in the Sabbath
  3. Make a Sabbath banner
  4. Start a Sabbath sermon sketchbook to record notes and small drawings for at least two sermons that you attend
  5. Make a Sabbath door hanger to use as a reminder of Sabbath
  6. Make a Sabbath/creation-themed mobile with colorful beads and nature items

4. Tell a friend some of your favorite things about Sabbath and show your Sabbath box to them.
5. Have a “Welcome Sabbath” get together on Friday night with some friends, Adventurer families, or your own family at home.

1. Read and discuss the concepts of Sabbath. God meant for the Sabbath to be a delight, something that gives great pleasure and enjoyment. Sabbath is a day for resting from our busy work week, spending time with our Creator/Redeemer, fellowshipping with believers at church, spending time in nature, and doing good.
2. Wrap box with items like stickers, wrapping paper, etc. Be creative. Have fun.
3. Be creative.
4. If your club is blessed with non-Seventh-day Adventist Adventurers this award can be a wonderful teaching tool to show the Adventurers and their families how special God intended the Sabbath to be. Take extra time to explain when the Sabbath was created and why God gave us the Sabbath. Remember the Sabbath was made for people and not people for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27). Tell a friend, family member, or the club.
5. Have a prayer of blessing for each child and light some candles. Invite everyone to share what they are thankful to God for in the past week. You could also serve a light meal with fresh fruit and use fancy glasses/cups with grape juice.


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