
Rocks and Minerals Honor Requirements

Rocks and Minerals Honor Requirements



Download the requirements for the rocks and minerals honor by clicking on the download link above.

Rocks and Minerals

1. What is the difference between rocks and minerals?
2. Have a collection of at least 15 specimens correctly labeled with collectorís name, date, and the locality in which it was found.
3. Define and name two examples each (from specimens or pictures) of:

  1. Igneous
  2. Sedimentary
  3. Metamorphic

4. What is meant by Mohs' scale of hardness? Name the minerals in order in Mohs' scale.
5. Define the following:

  1. Cleavage
  2. Specific gravity
  3. Luster
  4. Color
  5. Streak
  6. Texture
  7. Crystal

6. Name four uses for rocks and four uses for minerals.
7. Locate four Bible incidents in which a rock was significant.
8. What are the foundation stones of the New Jerusalem?

Skill Level 2
Original Honor 1937

Rocks and Minerals, Advanced

1. Have the Rocks and Minerals Honor
2. Have a collection of 30 rocks and minerals properly named, 20 of which you have personally collected. Label with collectorís name, date and locality in which it was found.
3. Know two minerals that belong to each of the following crystal systems:

  1. Isometric
  2. Hexagonal
  3. Tetragonal

4. Know Mohs' scale of hardness and the simplified field tests of hardness. By using these field tests, collect a scale range of specimens from your own region to form your own hardness test set.
5. Do one of the following:

  1. Know and tell two different processes by which metals are extracted from ores.
  2. Know eight minerals and tell how each is used.

6. Define the following:

  1. Crystalline
  2. Cryptocrystalline
  3. Breccia
  4. Noncrystalline
  5. Fibrous fracture
  6. Vitreous luster
  7. Geode
  8. Petrification
  9. Stalactite
  10. Fluorescence

7. What four metals are frequently found in native or free form?
8. Discuss the content of three statements from the writings of Ellen G. White concerning rocks or minerals.

Skill Level 3
Original Honor 1949

General Conference
2001 Edition

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