
Items by:

Cactusville VBX Music DVD/CD Spanish

Cactusville VBX Music DVD/CD Spanish

This program music set includes a CD with all Cactusville songs and a DVD featuring the songs with lyrics and actions.

  • Prix:$14.99
The Inviting Church

The Inviting Church

A BIG PART of making disciples is moving them from “learners” to doers. The Inviting Church makes disciples who invite guests to your special services and outreach events. Even those disciples who said they had no one to invite found a change of heart. The Inviting Church is a balanced approach of... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Angel1 Project Kit

Angel1 Project Kit

The booklets and leaflets included in this witness pack are not intended for random mass distribution—the goal is not to see who can empty their box first. The goal of the Angel 1 witnessing approach is to get into meaningful conversations that help lead individuals into a greater awareness of the... [Show more]

  • Prix:$24.95
Adult Sabbath School Record Card

Adult Sabbath School Record Card

This double-sided paper is used to help keep attendance for your church and keep track of offerings. Copyright 2017. Sturdy paper.

  • Prix:$0.09
Tell the World

Tell the World

Tell the World, a historical drama, tells the true story of a diverse group of people whose lives intertwine as they wrestle the biblical prophecies that point to the imminent return of the Messiah; the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Set amid the backdrop of the social, political and spiritual... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.99
Okay, All Together Now...

Okay, All Together Now...

Don Jacobson writes a weekly blog for the website. HOPE is an acronym for Houses Of Prayers Everywhere. With nearly 10,000 monthly visitors, and countless requests to republish his blogs in print form, this book brings together some of Don's best essays on what happens when we pray... [Show more]

  • Prix:$12.99
Discovering Jesus in the Bible - Coloring Book

Discovering Jesus in the Bible - Coloring Book

In this book, kids will color pictures about awesome Bible stories which tell them how much Jesus loves them. The stories include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Daniel, Esther, and others that point out Jesus and teach kids that He wins the battle against evil. Paperback. Copyright 2017. 22... [Show more]

  • Prix:$2.99
Breath of Life Lessons - set of 8

Breath of Life Lessons - set of 8

Here is a Bible study set with 8 different lessons. Lesson 1: Alone with God Lesson 2: Firmly Grounded Lesson 3: The Father of Lies Lesson 4: Two-part Harmony Lesson 5: God's Amazing Grace Lesson 6: When the Sky Unfolds Lesson 7: The New Birth Lesson 8: Home at Last

  • Prix:$3.99
Successful Fundraising - Canadian Edition

Successful Fundraising - Canadian Edition

Are you planning to raise funds for a building, for some community service project, for ongoing support for education, or some other purpose? Do you wonder how you should go about getting the funds? Do you worry about who might give to your cause? If you have these questions and many others, this... [Show more]

  • Prix:$19.95
Children's Ministries Certification Pins

Children's Ministries Certification Pins

These pins will be given upon completion of the tracks in Children's Ministries Certification.

Ministering to Families - Track 6 Check-off Card (Spanish)

Ministering to Families - Track 6 Check-off Card (Spanish)

Ministering to Parents - Certification Check-off Card Track 6 Ministering to Parents is part of the NAD Children's Ministries Certification program.  Ministering to Parents helps parents and guardians understand that they play THE most important role in training up the child in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.20
Leadership - Track 5 Check-off Card (Spanish)

Leadership - Track 5 Check-off Card (Spanish)

Liderazgo - Tarjeta de registro El itinerario de Liderazgo es parte del curso de certificación del Departamento del Ministerio Infantil de la DNA El itinerario de Liderazgo nos recuerda, ante todo, lo importante que es seguir al VERDADERO líder para el éxito en el ministerio. Liderazgo también cubre... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.20
Creative Arts - Track 4 - Check-off Cards (Spanish)

Creative Arts - Track 4 - Check-off Cards (Spanish)

Creative Arts - Certification Check-off Card Track 4 (Spanish) Creative Arts is part of the NAD Children's Ministries Certification program. The Creative Arts track presents fun and creative ways of sharing the gospel for both children and adults. These are 6 areas for Creative... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.20
Child Evangelism - Certification Check-off Card (Spanish)

Child Evangelism - Certification Check-off Card (Spanish)

Evangelismo Infantil - Tarjeta de registro Evangelismo Infantil es parte del curso de certificación del Departamento del Ministerio Infantil de la DNA El evangelismo infantil puede verse de dos maneras: los adultos alcanzan a los ninos para Cristo o los ninos comparten su fe con otros Evangelismo... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.20
Teaching Children - Certification Check-off Card (Spanish)

Teaching Children - Certification Check-off Card (Spanish)

Enseñar a los niños - Tarjeta de registro Enseñar a los niños es parte del curso de certificación del Departamento del Ministerio Infantil de la DNA Enseñar a los niños imparte ideas y teorías educativas que ayudan a enseñar a los niños en formas que son divertidas, dinámicas y espirituales. Los... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.20
Understanding Children - Certification Check-off Card (Spanish)

Understanding Children - Certification Check-off Card (Spanish)

Understanding Children - Certification Check-off Card. Track #1 Understanding Children is part of NAD Children's Ministries Certification program.  Understanding Children is about comprehending various types of children and the way they develop, think, and behave.... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.20

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  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States