
Items by:

Welcome to the Family | Anglais

Welcome to the Family | Anglais

Research has shown that between 30 and 50 percent of new members who are baptized do not stick with the church. They fall away. Sometimes we notice only after it has been several months or even years. What happened to them? Where did they go? Why did they leave? And, most importantly, what could we... [Show more]

  • Prix:$19.95
Your Future in Fundraising

Your Future in Fundraising

Fundraising doesn’t take place in a vacuum. It is an essential function in the entire scope of the nonprofit sector, which is supported by philanthropy. And philanthropy is a highly significant part of the fabric of American society, providing opportunities for fulfillment, meeting needs, addressing... [Show more]

  • Prix:$3.95
Fundamental Focus

Fundamental Focus

Fundamental Focus is a beautiful, full-color magazine, designed to help Christians see God as the central focus of Christian belief. It can be used both as a spiritual nurturing tool and an outreach tool. Though designed initially with Seventh-day Adventists in mind, because of its God-focused... [Show more]

  • Prix:$1.00
Preaching Made Simple - DVD set

Preaching Made Simple - DVD set

Dr. Sydney Gibbons has done extensive research and shared this information in such a manner that will capture your attention and invigorate your mind. Learn about the philosophy and practice of lay preaching. Copyright 2015.

  • Prix:$129.99
Preaching Made Simple

Preaching Made Simple

Dr. Sydney Gibbons has done extensive research and shared this information in such a manner that will capture your attention and invigorate your mind. Given the scope of this book it will not only capture the interest of the layperson, but also appeal to the members of the clergy. It can serve as a... [Show more]

  • Prix:$19.95
The Joy of Living - 2014 Sharing (Spanish)

The Joy of Living - 2014 Sharing (Spanish)

Dios tiene un plan para que vivamos saludablemente. El gozo de vivir nos motiva a hacer cambios importantes en nuestro estilo de vida y nos alienta a compartir los beneficios de vivir en plentitude. Con una pluma amena y ágil, la autora entrelaza información científica con historias bíblicas y... [Show more]

  • Prix:$3.49
Keys to Special Needs - Complete Set

Keys to Special Needs - Complete Set

The church and the Gospel should be accessible to everyone. This series, Keys to Special Needs Ministries, prepares you to support people with special needs and foster inclusion in all aspects of church life. The goal of special needs ministries is to unite people, both disabled and non-disabled, in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Keys to Intellectual Disability

Keys to Intellectual Disability

The church and the Gospel should be accessible to everyone. This series, Keys to Special Needs Ministries, prepares you to support people with special needs and foster inclusion in all aspects of church life. The goal of special needs ministries is to unite people, both disabled and non-disabled, in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$1.75
Keys to Special Needs

Keys to Special Needs

The church and the Gospel should be accessible to everyone. This series, Keys to Special Needs Ministries, prepares you to support people with special needs and foster inclusion in all aspects of church life. The goal of special needs ministries is to unite people, both disabled and non-disabled, in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$1.75
Keys to Blindness and Visual Impairment

Keys to Blindness and Visual Impairment

The church and the Gospel should be accessible to everyone. This series, Keys to Special Needs Ministries, prepares you to support people with special needs and foster inclusion in all aspects of church life. The goal of special needs ministries is to unite people, both disabled and non-disabled, in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$1.75
Keys to Communication Disorder

Keys to Communication Disorder

The church and the Gospel should be accessible to everyone. This series, Keys to Special Needs Ministries, prepares you to support people with special needs and foster inclusion in all aspects of church life. The goal of special needs ministries is to unite people, both disabled and non-disabled, in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$1.75
Keys to Emotional and Psychiatric Impairment

Keys to Emotional and Psychiatric Impairment

The church and the Gospel should be accessible to everyone. This series, Keys to Special Needs Ministries, prepares you to support people with special needs and foster inclusion in all aspects of church life. The goal of special needs ministries is to unite people, both disabled and non-disabled, in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$1.75
Keys to Mobility and Physical Disability

Keys to Mobility and Physical Disability

The church and the Gospel should be accessible to everyone. This series, Keys to Special Needs Ministries, prepares you to support people with special needs and foster inclusion in all aspects of church life. The goal of special needs ministries is to unite people, both disabled and non-disabled, in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$1.75
Keys to Hidden Impairment

Keys to Hidden Impairment

The church and the Gospel should be accessible to everyone. This series, Keys to Special Needs Ministries, prepares you to support people with special needs and foster inclusion in all aspects of church life. The goal of special needs ministries is to unite people, both disabled and non-disabled, in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$1.75
Keys to Hearing Impaired

Keys to Hearing Impaired

The church and the Gospel should be accessible to everyone. This series, Keys to Special Needs Ministries, prepares you to support people with special needs and foster inclusion in all aspects of church life. The goal of special needs ministries is to unite people, both disabled and non-disabled, in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$1.75
Directeur du Club des Aventuriers | Guide de lancement rapide

Directeur du Club des Aventuriers | Guide de lancement rapide

Ce guide de lancement rapide est rempli d’informations importantes pour vous aider à commencer ou ranimer un ministère dans votre église local. Ce guide contient une description des taches, des consignes pour démarrer, des conseils pour assurer la réussite de... [Show more]

  • Prix:$2.95

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  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States