
Bible Fossil Collection

Bible Fossil Collection

Produit #009811

  • Prix:$24.95
Statut: En stock
  • Quantité:
  • - +


Fossils are exciting! With this fossil collection, you will own 10 different authentic fossils in a collectors tray, plus a toy magnifying glass so you can look close up to inspect.  Each set comes with an information card that gives a Biblical perspective and description of each fossil.

Most other fossil collections will promote anti-biblical descriptions including indoctrination of evolution, millions of years and direct attacks on God.  

Let your young explorer enjoy these fossils while they learn about their Biblical history and background!

PATHFINDERS: If you are pursuing the FOSSIL honor, this is perfect since one of the requirements is to make a collection of 10 fossils.

Advent Source recommande

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States