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This patch is given to Pathfinders on completion of the requirements for the Tennis Honor.

Spinning Yarn

Spinning Yarn

This patch is given to Pathfinders on completion of the requirements for the Spinning Yarn Honor.

Soap Making

Soap Making

This patch is given to Pathfinders on completion of the requirements for the Soap Making Honor.



This patch is given to Pathfinders on completion of the requirements for the Lashing Honor.

Flag Football

Flag Football

This patch is given to Pathfinders on completion of the requirements for the Flag Football Honor.

Judges of Israel

Judges of Israel

This patch is given upon completion of the requirements for the Judges of Isreal honor.

Coral Reef

Coral Reef

This patch is given to Pathfinders on completion of the requirements for the Coral Reef Honor.

Foreign Mission Trips

Foreign Mission Trips

This patch is given to Pathfinders on completion of the requirements for the Foreign Mission Trips Honor.

Adventurer and Pathfinder Club Certificates

Adventurer and Pathfinder Club Certificates

This USB includes PDF files for eight certificates. Club leaders can complete the blank areas to finish the certificates before presentation. English and Spanish files are included for each certificate. Copyright 2018.

  • Prix:$14.95
Operation Whitecoat

Operation Whitecoat

During the Cold War, more than 2,300 non-combatant conscientious objectors from the Seventh-day Adventist Church volunteered to serve their country by participating in U. S. Army medical experiments focused on developing defensive medical countermeasures against the Soviet Union’s bio-warfare... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Reaching Families for Jesus: Strengthening Disciples

Reaching Families for Jesus: Strengthening Disciples

  Strengthening Disciples is for pastors and ministry leaders in their work with families in and out of the church. We hope the resources found in this volume will help develophealthier families, which invariably result in healthier churches that can reach the world with power and joy to help... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Raconte des histoires bibliques

Raconte des histoires bibliques

Niveau : Multi-niveaux Cet écusson est décerné à l'aventurier qui a satisfait aux exigences de la spécialité des Raconte des histoires bibliques. 

A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact and Scope

A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact and Scope

This impressive and well-informed book of human-subject research is a first denominational publication which put together the history of denominational research, its role, philosophy, treatment, and challenges. Several actual fresh research-based studies are included. The intriguing part of this... [Show more]

  • Prix:$22.00
The Struggle for the Prophetic Heritage

The Struggle for the Prophetic Heritage

"The gifts have been set in the Church and not in any one family." Lewis Christian, European Divison President, 1934 For almost 15 years Elmshaven, the Californian home of Ellen White, was the busy hub of development for the Adventist church on the West Coast. And then in July 1915 her voice fell... [Show more]

  • Prix:$12.95
The Seventh-day Adventist Clergy Memorial Medallion

The Seventh-day Adventist Clergy Memorial Medallion

The Seventh-day Adventist Clergy Medallions pay tribute to the sacrificial service of the men and women who dedicated their lives to gospel ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They are to be affixed to cemetery grave markers as a perpetual testament to their service and hope... [Show more]

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  • Lincoln NE 68506
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