
Items by:

John - Encounter Adventist Curriculum 12.4

John - Encounter Adventist Curriculum 12.4

John  A favorite book of the Bible presented in a new way. Even if you've been through the Gospel of John a dozen times, you're in for a fresh experience when you open up this expanded paraphrase. Every text is worded to let the power of the original thought come through in today's language.... [Show more]

  • Prix:$1.29
Sex 180: The Next Revolution - Encounter Adventist Curriculum 12.3

Sex 180: The Next Revolution - Encounter Adventist Curriculum 12.3

Sex is everywhere... On Tv. In movies. On the web. In magazines. In high school and even in some youth groups.  Yet even with all of this exposure, a big part of the sex story is not being told–a whole dimension that goes way beyond traditional answers. If you're fed up with our... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.00
Steps to Personal Revival

Steps to Personal Revival

Helmut Haubeil is a businessme=an and pastor. After successfully working as a representative for a shipping company, he responded at the age of 37 to God's call to join the ministry and worked as a pastor for 16 years. Afterwards he was the director of the Adventist nursing home in Bad Aibling,... [Show more]

  • Prix:$2.00
52 Zippy 5-Minute Sermons for Kids

52 Zippy 5-Minute Sermons for Kids

You want your children to learn and remember biblical truths they can apply throughout their lives—but you are short of time? You’ll find this book helpful, as it’s packed with simple yet memorable object lessons that you can show your children at home or at church, reinforcing truths such as the... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95


Faith that matters begins and ends with Jesus—and is focused on Him everywhere in between. But engaging with Jesus will always send us back to our time and place, to our communities and our world, just as He was sent. This collection of essays wrestles with aspects of this faithful process,... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95
We Believe

We Believe

This handy guide provides a thorough, in-depth study of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs, using questions and answers, true-or-false questionnaires, simple illustrations and stories to help every member understand the main points of our faith. Whatever the stage of your spiritual journey, no matter... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Boldly Brave

Boldly Brave

God asks each of us to be boldly brave in the ongoing struggle between good and evil. However, warriors for God do not always fight with swords or spears. God gives each of us weapons of faith. In Boldly Brave you will find stories of girls and women, men and boys of the Bible who used their weapons... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
New Horizons in Sabbath School Teaching

New Horizons in Sabbath School Teaching

Undoubtedly, Jesus was the greatest teacher of all time. No wonder Ellen White wrote, “What a blessing it would be if all would teach as Jesus taught! He did not aim to attract attention by eloquence or by overwhelming grandeur of sentiment. On the contrary, His language was plain, and His thoughts... [Show more]

  • Prix:$6.99
Ben's Sunflower/Wendy's Big Worry Knot

Ben's Sunflower/Wendy's Big Worry Knot

This kids' book with colorful illustrations has two stories. Ben's Sunflower is about forgiveness and Wendy's Big Worry-knot is about overcoming fear and worry. Paperback. Copyright 2018. 84 pages.

  • Prix:$9.99
My Personal Giving Plan

My Personal Giving Plan

Just one tiny seed. But from it springs a stalk that forms an ear––and God's principle of multiplication is revealed. The efforts of the farmer increase when he generously sows his field with thousands of individual grains of wheat. God provides the sun and the water. Each seed's effort multiplies... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.25
No Experience Necessary

No Experience Necessary

“Go and make disciples.” –Matthew 28:19, NET When it comes to spiritual gifts, where would the gift of “evangelism” fall on your list of the ones most desired? Are you one of those eager evangelists who just can’t wait to hit the streets, knock on doors, or shout it from the rooftop when it comes... [Show more]

  • Prix:$15.95
Tears of Joy

Tears of Joy

“Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5, NASB). Someone once said, “Grief never ends…but it changes. It is a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith…It is the price of love.” If you have ever lost someone you... [Show more]

  • Prix:$16.95
Freedom in Jesus

Freedom in Jesus

Finding Freedom in Jesus: A Deliverance Ministry Manual grew out of a February 2018 conference attended by missiologists, front-line missionaries, theologians, and administrators with representation from Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America, the EU, and North America. The goal of the conference... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Redemption and Transformation Through Relief and Development

Redemption and Transformation Through Relief and Development

“There is no doubt that modern scientific knowledge has brought us great benefits….But our reliance on this principle has been purchased at a price. Reality has been broken down into many small pieces and we have lost our sense of the whole….The Bible, like other texts, has been subjected to... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Church and Society

Church and Society

The Church has a reservoir of wisdom and truth in the Bible, and a role to play in witnessing to that truth. The Bible is full of mandates and challenges that ask us, the disciples of Jesus Christ, to “Make our light shine, so that others may see our good works and give glory to our God in heaven”... [Show more]

  • Prix:$24.95
Christ in the City

Christ in the City

The significance and challenge of the city for the Christian church is the question of how to go about sharing the Gospel there. It is easy to react to the changes happening in the city, to critique the influence it has on human culture. But critical responses to change do not constitute a positive... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95

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