
Momentium Bible Study Guide (book)

Momentium Bible Study Guide (book)

Produit #629796

  • Prix:$6.95 (Remises)
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The Momentum Youth Bible Study Guide introduces or re-affirms our Seventh-day Adventist beliefs in a new and refreshing way. The guide covers the following beliefs:

1. The Bible
2. The Trinity
3. Creation
4. The Great Controversy
5. Life, Death & Resurrection of Christ
6. The Experience of Salvation
7. Baptism
8. The Sabbath
9. Stewardship
10. Christian Behavior
11. The Second Coming of Christ
12. Death & Resurrection
13. The Millennium & End of Sin
14. The New Earth

Enjoy learning about a God who loved you before you were born and loves you no matter where you are in your spiritual journey

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